The Brodhead Historical Society Celebrates 50 Years!

The Brodhead Historical Society is celebrating 50 years! Follow along this year as we celebrate. See you at the Depot!

visit us

See us at the depot! Our local historical museum located in beautiful downtown Brodhead.

online archives

The archive is an ongoing project to digitize our large collection to make it available to website visitors around the world.

event schedule

The Brodhead Historical Society holds meetings on the last Monday of each month. Each meeting features a guest speaker.

See you at the depot!

The Brodhead Historical Society has a museum that is housed in the restored Milwaukee Road depot, built in 1881. Between the restored depot, our freight room, and the Knight addition there’s a little something for everyone.

Wed, Sat, Sun: 1:00p – 4:00p

Between Memorial Day & the end of September.

By appointment for large groups.

1108 1st Center Ave
Brodhead, WI 53520

Ringling Brothers in Brodhead

—Betty Earleywine, Curator

Adapted from Dorothy Kundert’s “Woodburners to Diesels” text for the 1956 Brodhead Centennial celebration.

The colossus of the circus world – John Ringling North’s “Greatest Show On Earth,” made its debut at Madison Square Garden in New York. In Wisconsin, the state that was the early proving ground for the Ringlings, Wisconsin’s famed “Historymobile,” sponsored by the state historical society, left Madison in early April to go on tour with a new and colorful exhibit, “Sawdust and Spangles; the Circus in Wisconsin.”

This year, the Brodhead Historical Society celebrates its 50th anniversary. In early 1975, founders established the organization to preserve our community’s hertitage. To commemorate this milestone, a new logo has been designed by Paris Trumbower, who is a gifted graphics artist and a Brodhead Historical Society Lifetime Member. We are proud to debut this new logo on our newsletter, website, and Facebook page. We’re excited to have this wonderful fresh look incorporating our depot graphic and the organization’s year of origin, surrounded by our name in a beautiful ribbon banner.


Ready to dive into your roots? We have incredible volunteers devoted to Brodhead genealogy. Contact us today and let us help you!