Into the archives
Due to the ongoing efforts of our volunteers we have a robust online database documenting Brodhead history. This collection is ever evolving as we get more help and only scratches the surface of what the museum archives holds.

Image Archive
Photos, postcards, slides and other flat documents.

Historic movie footage, oral histories and interviews.

audio recordings
Audio recordings and radio spots.

More content is added as volunteer time permits so this database will continue to grow over the coming months and years. Residents with historic images are encouraged to make them available to the Brodhead Historical Society for use in this archive. E-mail us for details.
This database is intended for personal use only. Any and all public use is strictly prohibited without written permission. Public use includes all recognized forms of reproduction, publication, and/or display for any purpose. To request permission for public use, please contact us via e-mail at:
Ringling Brothers in Brodhead
—Betty Earleywine, Curator
Adapted from Dorothy Kundert’s “Woodburners to Diesels” text for the 1956 Brodhead Centennial celebration.
The colossus of the circus world – John Ringling North’s “Greatest Show On Earth,” made its debut at Madison Square Garden in New York. In Wisconsin, the state that was the early proving ground for the Ringlings, Wisconsin’s famed “Historymobile,” sponsored by the state historical society, left Madison in early April to go on tour with a new and colorful exhibit, “Sawdust and Spangles; the Circus in Wisconsin.”

Ready to dive into your roots? We have incredible volunteers devoted to Brodhead genealogy. Contact us today and let us help you!