L. C. Bartlet Carriage Factory



L. C. Bartlet Carriage Factory


The L.C. Bartlet Carriage Factory at 1012 West Third Avenue in Brodhead, Wisconsin. The man in the photo is not identified. The building has been kept in good repair and still exists. It was built in 1881 - 82 by M. Wall. L. C. Bartlett and Sons built carriages, wagons, sleighs, and cutters. The sons were Eugene, Charlie, and Willie. This building is wood frame with matched lumber inside and out, and veneered with brick. The lower floor was the workshop and the second floor was used for the paint trimming of the finished product. Willie Bartlett was a very skilled trimmer. He was assisted by Harry Hill and Al Ringling. At one time the business was three buildings taking up the entire block of the East side of West Third Avenue between West Exchange Street and 11th Street. The blacksmith shop was next to the carriage shop and a showroom on the north end. In later years the building was used for a battery and radio parts shop, an auto repair shop, car sales for Dodge, Hudson, and Essex cars, a Ford tractor dealership, and storage for Newman Seed and Feed. The sign was painted by B. E. Crosby and the original has been restored.




5 x 7 Black and White Print






# 2943


carriage factory, L. C. Bartlet, Eugene Bartlett, Charlie Bartlett, Willie Bartlett, B. F. Crosby, Harry Hill, Al Ringling.